Happy Birthday Nick and Luke Part 2

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The first year was very surreal. Two of everything; two feedings, two baths, two crying babies. As I look at these pictures I relive it all. The story that taught me the true meaning of hurry up and wait a minute.

This photo is one of my favorites. It was a moment of peace when I was still adjusting to my new life. They were three weeks old and still loved to be next to each other. They looked for on another. Luke, the needier of the two, sleeping with his head as close to Nick as possible.

This was a defining picture. Usually Luke was the one crying, but in this case it was Nick. Nick is calm and kind… until he is mad. Then, it is like a bomb went off- this was our first indication .

Here is one of Nick’s famous looks… the thinker behind every plan. Looking at me like ‘what in the world are you doing lady?’.

And Luke, the muscles behind every plan. Very mobile and in to everything.

We lived in an exhausted state. Hi, we’re up! Looking at this I see how little grey hair Lenny had at this point. Have you seen him lately? Having five children makes you grey really quick! Take my word for it. But I like it. (The five kids and the grey hair.)

Gosh they were darling and brought many smiles to our faces. And of course, they still do! They have always slept next to each other.

Perfect explanation of their life still to this day. A picture is worth a thousand words they say.

The first year went as quickly as a hurricane and as slow as a sloth – all at the same time. Soon they were one. Such a beautiful pair of boys.

Need to read Part 1? You can do so- just click here.


  1. Happy Birthday boys! They are so sweet, cute, lovely! I can only imagine how busy they keep their momma. Your advice to me at POM is so valuable, and I just want to let you know that I really appreciate the time you take to share your feedback!


  2. Mama Laundry says:

    I was just thinking a similar thought today: my days seem to crawl by and seem ridiculously long…but the weeks fly by.

    Odd how that is.

    Your boys are beautiful! Or handsome I should say.



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