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Meet Crystal & Co.’s youngest reader… or at least the youngest reader I know of. Please, correct me if I am wrong.

Blake is the son of my good friend Kim.

He is out of control! (In a good way.)

He is a middle child.

He is daring.

He is always getting hurt.

He’s a bleeder.

Danger should be his middle name.

Nothing is off limits for him.

Pushes the limit.

Gets along perfectly with my son Garrett.

Drives his older brother Sean insane!

His little sister adores him.

Blake’s shirt says EXTREME, CAUTION, AWESOMENESS and fits him perfectly.
This wig that Blake is wearing… he bought it at Goodwill on half price day.
Against his mother’s wishes might I add.
He places no importance on the fact that it kinda smells and is matted down and who knows where it has been.
 He only paid $0.54 for it! 
Blake is always in character. 
Q: What is your name?
A: Blake. Blake Ham-ill-tan
(His mother corrects his Hamilton, Blake, Hamilton… not tan, ton.) 
Q: How often do you read Crystal & Co.?
A: Um, 6 times a week.
Q: Favorite thing about your family.
A: They love me a whole lot.
Q: What other blogs do you read every day?
A: Baby Nella’s blog.
(Usually over his mother’s shoulder.)
Q: What do you want people to know about you?
A: I come from a messed up family. I rock. I’m gonna be a famous country singer some day.
(His family is so not messed up. Blake is a goober! I asked his mother if she wanted me to delete this question. She laughed…)
Q: What else do you like to read?
A: Anything on Google or Yahoo or, or


  1. Great job Crystal! You have captured Blake in all his craziness. We LOVE him!

    He still has the shirt and wig on from yesterday. He is never taking either off. Since he is on your blog, he is now famous. He MUST wear the otufit EVERYDAY so everyone will recognize him!

    Love it! Kim

  2. Kim, we just adore Blake! He is all about keeping it real! Real unique!

  3. He is too cute and I would bet he will be a county singer one day. NaNa Sue

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