So, you’re having twins… maternity apparel.

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Crystal & Co - Twins

WARNING- this post is rated PG 13.

Seems like with each of my pregnancies, about the time the fifth month rolled around, the ol’ girls needed more room. Singleton pregnancy or twin pregnancy- does not matter. Those girls grow! And grow!

You know… boobs.

So, when that time rolls around do not waste your money on a regular old bra IF YOU PLAN TO NURSE once the babies are born (or baby as this tip is helpful for any preggo mommy). Go ahead and buy a nursing bra, or two, as your new bra of choice. It will get lots and lots of use. You will wear a nursing bra possibly until your baby is one or even two, if you choose to nurse that long.

Start your collection now and wear your collection now!

It is better to find a comfy brand you like now, then to wait until you are engorged and crying, ready to scream to the world WHAT THE HELL WAS I THINKING! Go ahead and ‘practice’, so to speak, making sure the latches on the bra unhook easily, etc. You’ve got a handful of  months to find a super comfortable brand and to get used to the feel and fit. There are so many to choose from. I suggest going to a preggo apparel shop and allowing a sales person to make suggestions and show you different bras and the benefits of each style. They know what they are talking about!

While you’re at it, go ahead and get a nice nursing sleep bra.  Well before the end of your pregnancy you are going to find you want more support at night without having to wear a ‘real’ bra. A nursing sleep bra is the answer as well as the bra you will wear at night once your bundles of joy arrive. Once you are nursing, sleeping bras help minimize milk leakage through the night as well as give added support. It sounds gross, but it is totally normal. Sleeping bras are perfect for those middle-of-the-night-roll-over-and-feed-the-baby-and-drift-back-to-sleep-feedings! The sleeping bra is also the perfect bra to wear during your hospital stay, too!

So for the next 12+ months of your life, if you’re going to purchase a new bra, go for the nursing bra. You’ll thank me later.

Welcome, to the world of boobs, babies and nursing.

So, You’re Having Twins…. is a series here at Crystal & Co. I am not a doctor, I am not a counselor, I am not a person who studies childhood behaviors. I am something bigger than that…. I AM a mom of TWINS (who are child 3 and 4 on the food chain at our house) and I can share what works (and has worked) for us as well as pointers on how to survive. I would have loved to find this information all in one place in the summer of 2005 when I was given the life changing news…. so, you’re having twins! If you are having twins, or know someone who is, share the So, You’re Having Twins…. series with them.

One Comment

  1. great info! my bff just had a baby last week, and i will definitely be passing this on to her.

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