Happy Birthday Nick and Luke Part 3

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By this point Nick and Luke were really starting to show more of their personalities, becoming their own little people. Nick still very quiet, except when he would get wildly mad, and Luke was becoming a little charmer. They quickly inherited nicknames- No Neck Nick and Latin Luke.

Oh, this was fun. Their first picture with the Easter Bunny. It completely terrified Nicky. (Like his Donald Trump comb over?) We finally got a decent picture after he stopped crying.

Our local recreation center offered a tot and parent gym class. We loved it! Nicky was such a champ! (Look at that little round face! Reminds me of a little baby boy named Matthew.) Lenny and I had just as much fun in the class as they did.

Luke was so strong- a natural. This is about the time we realized how much of a dare devil he was. He hung on for dear life and would swing like a monkey. They were only 18 months old at this point.

Oh, and see those painted toe nails on Momma? Yeah, that is a great past time. I have not had my toe nails painted in over 10 months. Not to be confused with the age of my newest baby boy.

The balance beam was fun to watch them progress on. Our first season of tot gym class they could not figure the balance beam out. By this time a year later, it came natural to put one foot in front of the other. Those are the amazing things you watch your children learn. It leaves you with this really cool feeling… WOW!

Oh, they were a handful, but adorable!

See that room behind me in the picture below? During the summertime Garrett and Anthony would go with us to the recreation center and they would play basketball while we did tot gym class with the twins. A glass wall separated the two rooms. How perfect was that? Everyone burning some energy!

When one finds mischief, two find mischief. That’s all I’m sayin’!

Welcome to the world of defeated, overwhelmed and out numbered! And people wonder why I drink a pot of coffee a day? Wonder no more!

And soon we celebrated their 2nd birthday. With lots of family and friends in tow.

See Garrett? He is on the back room second from the left.

See Anthony? He is on the second’ish row on the right hand side with a white shirt that says ‘park’ on it.

And the twins… they are sitting on the floor with Mommy and Daddy. Daddy a little greyer and Mommy finally getting her grove back. Notice I chopped my hair off? It only took two years before I thought about wearing makeup on a regular basis… not bad, eh?

Good times!

Did you miss the corresponding posts? No worries!

Click here for Part 1

Click here for Part 2


  1. Adoption of Jane says:

    Super Cute Boys!!!!

  2. Thank you so much! I am a bit fond of them.

    Thanks for stopping by!

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