Happy Birthday Nick and Luke Part 1

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Four years ago today, two sweet little boys came into this world.

A belly so big! (Ignore the wrong year on the picture above. It should read 2006. The story of my life!)

A world ahead that I thought would exist of cute matching outfits, nursery rhymes, play dates and schedules.

New meaning to the word naive.

Nicholas Avery arrived first.

One minute later, we welcomed Luke Justin.

I just remember a room full of baby cries.

And, lots of nurses.

My doctor talking to his assistant surgeon about his ski trip to Colorado.

And of course, a very nervous Daddy.

It was a scheduled c-section, at 37 weeks. But still, he was nervous. (Obviously, before surgery began.)

Nicholas, so quiet, yet so strong- his personality still to this day.My silent bomb who believes everything should be fair.

Luke had the cry of a wounded cat. We will never forget it. Still to this day, he is my whiniest child. But precious just the same.

I stared looking at these babies. Letters on their hats making sure we did not mix them up. Nicky’s bottom lip quivered as he looked up at me. Luke, our wounded cat, still whining. At this moment, as they wheeled me back to my recovery room to greet my family, I knew I had no idea what I was in for.

Nonetheless, they were beautiful! And I knew somehow we would figure it all out.


  1. How funny! We have a Nick and a Luke at our house too, but they aren't twins. Love the pirate cupcakes!

  2. How cool is that, Brandy?! I love the names.

    Thanks for checking out my blog. Glad you like the cupcakes- they were a lot of fun to make.

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